High School AI &Data Science
This course uses real-life case studies to combine 3 disciplines: Business Studies, Computer Programming, and Statistics to teach lucrative AI, data science skills using real-life case studies. Live tutors are available to assist with technical queries and supplementary materials are available for free at IBM’s CognitiveClass.ai. Copyright © 2018 Fireside Analytics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Why Data Science for High School?
There is an explosion of data from the internet, social media, cloud computing, mobile phones and other connected devices
We need a uniquely skilled workforce to process and analyze all this (increased volume) data into information we can use.
The IDC4U Data Science course puts learners on the path toward careers in data science where the demand for these skills continues to grow and is greater than supply.
Data jobs are one of the fastest growing areas of employment and average salaries for experienced data scientists can range from ~USD $70,000 to $150 000 per year.
In an increasingly digital world, employers in arts, science and business fields are looking for candidates with data science skills.
The next generation is growing up in a drastically different world to previous generations, we must adapt our education model to explore emerging fields.
Don’t just memorize lines of code, understand them.