The skills of the future are within reach
Learn what AI, Data Science and Blockchain are, how it is adding value across industries including your own, and learn practical skills to help you; whether for personal or career development there is no time like the present to get started
Instructor led
We'll be there with you step by step to help you master the concepts
Take away materials
You will have access to materials to after the course
Practical & Fun Assessments
Our philosophy is one of learning by doing, we'll keep you engaged and learning
Real World case studies
Case studies from different industries and across
geographies that help Data science come to life
Example Cases we’ve used in the training
Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and make an impact on your career and organisation. The skills you need to thrive in the fast changing world.
- Benefits of studying AI & Data Science for Professionals
- AI, Data Science & Blockchain in Healthcare
- AI, Data Science & Blockchain in legal industry
- AI, Data Science Travel industry
- AI & Data Science in Energy
- AI Data Science in Manufacturing
- AI & Data Science in Pharmaceuticals
- AI, Data Science & Blockchain in Financial Services
- 1st 60 Days as a Data Scientist
- 1st 90 Days as Head of Data Science/Analytics
- Ethics in AI & Data Science
Write your awesome label here.
Our students love the experience
Overall, they provided me with great services starting off with their website that was created professionally and super easy to navigate through, as well as the marks given one the right side that helped keeping me on track with all of the assignments. Finishing off with the content of the course that was so valuable and enriching with new information.
M. I.
This course has completely changed my mind. I always thought of coding as a boring thing but now I know you can make something extremely amazing with the power of coding and I would love to learn it in detail in the future.
A. I.
You were an amazing instructor, I really learned a lot from you about this course, thanks a lot
M. H.