Terms and conditions
Thank you for considering Fireside Analytics Academy, (“Fireside Analytics”) to support you in your technology education. We are excited that you are learning data science skills and we believe you will be able to use these in your career, no matter what you choose to do.
Our terms and conditions
Please read the terms and conditions carefully.
We have taken steps to vigorously protect your confidential information and the Learning Management System (LMS) we use has done so as well. To this end, we will not disclose your confidential information to any external parties without your prior consent, except when we are legally compelled to do so.
Fireside Analytics has developed the first curriculum in Data Science for High School participants. We are required by law in Ontario, Canada to submit enrollment data to the Ministry of Education.
Subsection 16(5) of the Act requires private schools to submit statistical information regarding enrolment, staff, courses of study and other information as and when required by the Minister. See Section 3 of this manual, “Cyclical Requirements for All Private Schools”, for more information.
Subsection 16(6) of the Act authorizes the inspection of private schools, which are conducted by Ministry staff who are members of the Ontario College of Teachers and have Supervisory Officer qualifications.
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Course Materials & Adult Learners
- Fireside Analytics Academy does not offer any refunds.
- This course is conducted in English and by continuing with the registration process, you are signaling to us that you are proficient in English.
- This course is designed for senior high school students, typically in grade 10, 11 or 12 and approximately 14 to 18 years of age. Students outside of these grade or age ranges may take the course however, please contact the information desk before you complete registration.
- Students that are under the age of 18 must receive authorization from their parents to take the course.
- Fireside Analytics retains the rights to all content, lessons, quizzes, test and generally, all materials presented in this course
- Learners may not copy or transfer the course materials or curriculum provided by Fireside Analytics in this project to another organization or third party
- The program materials, curriculum, and program developed for this agreement are proprietary and only for use by the student for the purpose of learning data science skills for the student themselves, not on behalf of a group or other stakeholders,
- Materials may not be reproduced or repurposed without express written agreement from Fireside Analytics
- Non-high school / Adults may take this course for the sole purpose of acquiring data science skills as presented in this course. All students must accurately disclose their personal information e.g., age and the highest level of education.
- Misuse of the shared chat areas may result in criminal procecusion.